Now you have the ability to provide Real-Time FedEx rates for shipping. By default, Yahoo! only offers UPS as a shipping provider. We will integrate these options for you so you can provide all the FedEx shipping options you want in addition to UPS.
All options will have Real-Time rates both domestically and internationally.
If you would like to add USPS Real-Time rates in addition to USPS and FedEx, you may be interested in the Advanced Shipping Manager. UPS, USPS and FedEx Real-Time rates are just a few of the 21 standard features available with the Advanced Shipping Manager.
All options will have Real-Time rates both domestically and internationally.
If you would like to add USPS Real-Time rates in addition to USPS and FedEx, you may be interested in the Advanced Shipping Manager. UPS, USPS and FedEx Real-Time rates are just a few of the 21 standard features available with the Advanced Shipping Manager.
FedEx Real-Time Shipping Rates
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