Gift Registry System for Yahoo! Stores

Allow your customers the ability to create a gift registry easily while you have full control to add, edit or remove. You will also be able to upload multiple registries with CSV files. Your customers will be able to do the following with high speed, powered by AJAX:
Kitchen Kapers
- Register and login to the Gift Registry at your Yahoo! Store.
- Registry Owner can add or remove items from registry.
- View a Registry Summary Page, including:
- Current prices.
- Which items were purchased.
- How many of each item was purchased.
- Access a printer-friendly version of the Gift Registry Summary Page.
- Sort items by name, price, and “Still Needs…”
- Use an Advanced Search within the registry.
- Add multiple items from registry to shopping cart.
- Expedite checkout with automatic entry of Registry owner’s information
- Automatically deduct purchased items from gift registry.
Kitchen Kapers

Gift Registry System for Yahoo! Stores
Signup Form
Signup Form