This Yahoo! Store database export doesn’t just export all of the products or pages in your store; this export allows you to specify exactly what you want to export. You no longer have to export every product or all the pages in your store just to get the ones you want, with this export feature, you are able to export any of the following in CSV format:
* Export combinations of any variable – Yahoo! variables OR your own custom variables. For example: NAME, CAPTION, CODE, SALE-PRICE .
* PATH , aka the breadcrumbs trail.
*IMAGE, INSET, ICON and any custom image variables can be exported. The export will contain the image URL.
*Page TYPE, TEMPLATE and ID are also included.
In addition to the above files, our Database Export can also export specific pages based on the following:
*Items Only Export - the item is defined by pages that have a price or a sale-price.
*By price range – export item pages with prices that fall within a specified range.
*Export by TYPE/Table.
*Export pages that use a specific TEMPLATE
*Text Match – export pages by using a full or partial text match within any variable. For example, you can choose to export only the pages that contain the word “Dress” in the NAME variable or export all the items that begin with “xyz” in the CODE variable.
* Export combinations of any variable – Yahoo! variables OR your own custom variables. For example: NAME, CAPTION, CODE, SALE-PRICE .
* PATH , aka the breadcrumbs trail.
*IMAGE, INSET, ICON and any custom image variables can be exported. The export will contain the image URL.
*Page TYPE, TEMPLATE and ID are also included.
In addition to the above files, our Database Export can also export specific pages based on the following:
*Items Only Export - the item is defined by pages that have a price or a sale-price.
*By price range – export item pages with prices that fall within a specified range.
*Export by TYPE/Table.
*Export pages that use a specific TEMPLATE
*Text Match – export pages by using a full or partial text match within any variable. For example, you can choose to export only the pages that contain the word “Dress” in the NAME variable or export all the items that begin with “xyz” in the CODE variable.

Yahoo! Store Database Export
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