Yahoo! Store Enhancements

Yahoo! Store Enhancements

Randomly Displayed Best Sellers

By adding the Randomly Displayed Best Sellers feature to your Yahoo! Store, you are helping it in two areas. First of all, the changing content engages shoppers and encourages them to click around your site. This is going to increase the time they spend in your store and could help to increase their order total.

Secondly, search engines love fresh content. The rotating best sellers translate into new content. This will help increase important SEO value. You control which items to showcase. They can originate from real order data, or from a bank of items you have chosen to feature.

Contact us to see how we can incorporate this feature into your Yahoo! Store.
Randomly Displayed Best Sellers
Signup Form
Please fill out the following form to get started. We will contact you within one business day to discusss installation and answer any questions you may have.
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