Many store owners do not realize that they spend too much time calling up the customer/bank whenever there is an AVS mismatch-time that they could otherwise spend growing their business. Store owners also have no idea how much revenue they are losing because they were unable to validate orders that look suspicious because they do not have the correct tools.
Subuno can help. Subuno is a cloud-hosted fraud prevention platform that helps Yahoo store owners reduce fraud (save money), speed up order review (save time), and increase revenue. It is done by aggregating a variety of paid and free tools in one centralized location and allow merchants to automate their order processing using selected tools. No programming skills are needed - just your business sense. On average, Subuno helps Yahoo merchants catch more fraud and speeds up their order review by 70% while reducing the number of orders that need to be reviewed by 80%.
As an added benefit to users, Subuno's proprietary system analyzes the collective transactions from merchants for risk and emerging trends, effectively allowing store owners to indirect share data to fight fraud collectively. Don't fight fraud alone, join the Subuno Protection Network. We are stronger in numbers.
For more information, please call us at 888-546-4932Signup Form